Science & Research

Here you will find a comprehensive overview of the scientific research behind our plant-based nutrition. 

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Bridges K, Bar-Yoseph F, Mizrahi R, Vanderhoof J.
The effect of a plant-based pediatric nutrition product based on almonds and buckwheat on perceived relief of intolerance symptoms: retrospective analysis of a parent survey. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2022;74(S2):1077. 
N-P-078, page 1077
Bridges KM, Bar-Yoseph F, Mizrahi R, Vanderhoof J.
Efficacy and Acceptance of a Plant-Based Complete Nutrition Toddler Drink Based on Almond and Buckwheat: A Retrospective Analysis of a Parent Survey. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022;122(9 Suppl 1):A-60.

Bridges KM, Bar-Yoseph F, Mizrahi R, Vanderhoof J.
Assessment of parent-reported off-label infant consumption of a plant-based toddler formula based on almond and buckwheat. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2023;76(6S):in press.
N-EP001, page 1018